Become a Sponsor
This year we are aiming to provide 12,000+ students backpacks and supplies across 5 locations! Such a massive effort requires the contributions of an entire community, including the follow kinds of support:
Financial sponsorship to purchase bulk school supplies
Hundreds of volunteers at one (or more) locations
In-kind event support for services (haircuts, dental/eye exams, immunizations, etc.)
Donated backpacks – we need 12,000 of them!
Sponsorship Levels

Community Partner, Gold ($12,000)
This sponsorship level supports 2,000 students.
Potential Assets:
- Highlighted logo recognition on all event promotions.
- Media recognition in press releases.
- Prominent logo feature on Backpack Bash website.
- Opportunity for presence at locations of your choice.
- Logo featured on event t-shirts.
- Opportunity for prominent logo and promotional items in swag bag.

Community Partner Silver ($6,000)
This sponsorship level supports 1,000 students.
Potential Assets:
- Highlighted logo recognition on all event promotions.
- Opportunity to put promotional materials in swag bag.
- Media recognition in press releases.
- Logo on Backpack Bash website.
- Logo featured on event t-shirts

Location Partner ($3,000)
This sponsorship level supports 500 students.
Potential Assets:
- Opportunity to put promotional materials in swag bag
- Logo on event website.
- Company name listed on event t-shirts.
- Featured logo & Opportunity for presence at one location
Consider the impact your business, church, or organization can have on nearly 12,000 local families working to keep their kids engaged in school in 2024. For more information on financial support, sponsorship, event support, collection drives, or volunteer opportunities, contact Kaileigh Brackett.